When it comes to dads, I think I’ve been extremely lucky in my life. Not only did I get the best Dad ever, who would move mountains for his 3 kids, but I managed to snag just as great a dad for my 2 kids 😛 Just don’t tell them both that 😛 hehe. As usual though when it gets to any gift giving event, like Father’s Day, they are two of the hardest people to buy for. Not because there’s a lack of things to buy for them, but because there’s sometimes way too much on the market that I would love to get for them 😛 Unfortunately, I still haven’t found that elusive money tree.
If you’re in the same boat, or you haven’t found a Father’s Day gift for dad yet, here’s a few ideas :
Watch Movement Cuff Links – Dark Angel Jewellery

While there are so many kewl things on the Dark Angel Jewellery website, this has got to be my favourite for the men in my life. Whilst they are designated “Steam Punk style”, something which they would know nothing about :P, dads would probably find the intricate details quite interesting. Especially for those men who love taking things apart (and then putting it together again with “extra” parts). You know who you are…
Personalised Car Number Plate Surrounds – PlateFrames
Not only do PlateFrames have a great range of pre-made number plate surround singles, like “If it isn’t broken, Fix it until it is“, but you can customise your own PlateFrames pair of number plate surrounds to suit your own dad 🙂

I AM YOUR FATHER tee – Postie+
This one’s great for any Star Wars fans out there 🙂 Postie+ always has a great range of Father’s Day tees, and other practical gifts, for dads. My personal favourite for my dad was a previous years – “You can’t scare me, I have daughters” tee 😛
Fuller 61 Piece Tool Set – Mitre10
Chances are if you’re dad is a DIY man, he’s probably already got a lot of these. If he’s lost some of the things along the way, or if you’d like to hint at him becoming a DIY man :P, this is a good set to start with.
CSA RaceTrack Tee – Creation Station NZ

If you’ve read my Creation Station Hot-Seat interview, you’d have seen my personal favourite tee from them was the CSA RaceTrack Tee 🙂 Mainly because it keeps dad & the kids busy at the same time 😛 Win, Win!
Waterproof Shower Speaker with Bluetooth – Jaycar
For those dads who like to sing in the shower 😛 He can even opt to answer his phone calls in the shower – still not convinced this is a good idea though 😛
And if all else fails, there’s always a box of scorched almonds & socks 😛
So hopefully you’ve now got a few unique ideas for Father’s Day presents 🙂 Do you have any ideas for unique Father’s Day gifts? If you’re a dad reading this, how’d I do? Anything you’d add?
P.S. All product images in this post are copyright to their rightful owners. All of the products featured on this page have been chosen personally, and not in conjunction with any of the vendors listed 🙂