• Happy Father's Day

    Unique Father’s Day Gift Ideas

    When it comes to dads, I think I’ve been extremely lucky in my life.  Not only did I get the best Dad ever, who would move mountains for his 3 kids, but I managed to snag just as great a dad for my 2 kids 😛 Just don’t tell them both that 😛 hehe.  As usual though when it gets to any gift giving event, like Father’s Day, they are two of the hardest people to buy for.  Not because there’s a lack of things to buy for them, but because there’s sometimes way too much on the market that I would love to get for them 😛  Unfortunately, I…

  • Happy Mother's Day

    Unique Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

    By now your DH/OH/Kids have just figured out that it’s 5 shopping days (if you count today) before Mother’s Day.  FIVE! And, if you’re like me with 2 kids under 5, poor DH is sitting on the couch trying to remember any hints I would have possibly dropped in the last 17 years of things I like. Or better yet (amusing for me anyway 😛), he’s asking the kids what they would like to get for mum for Mother’s Day; which goes a little something like this – DH – So, what do you guys want to get mum for Mother’s Day? Master 4.5 – Mum would like the Mustang/Camaro/Stingray…