• Fitness with MisFitNZ

    Fitness with MisFitNZ – Guest Blog

    As a new mum the last thing on my mind was how to lose weight. I don’t know about you but between feeds, nappy changes, baby health issues, lack of sleep and everything else that comes with a new baby, I was happy to just get into bed at night and fall straight to sleep.   Fast forward almost 5 years and my youngest baby is now 18 months!  2 pregancies, lack of exercise & unhealthy eating habits have definitely taken it’s toll. I admit, like alot of mums, I have a bit of baby weight to lose.  The funny thing is though, it’s not the extra weight that bothers me. …

  • ImNOTSuperMum Halloween Activity & Giveaway

    Ginger Bones Men & Halloween Giveaway

    Halloween wasn’t a big thing when I was growing up. TBH, I didn’t even know it existed out of the USA, until I moved to New Zealand 😛 Now that I have kids it’s just an opportunity to create more play activities for them. The following is just an adapted shortbread recipe, as only my husband likes ginger cookies. Ingredients: 1 & 1/2 cups standard flour 1/2 cup cornflour 3/4 cup icing sugar 1/2 teaspoon ginger powder 250g butter Queen Royal icing   Method: Preheat oven to 150* Cream the butter & icing sugar. Add sifted flour and cornflour. On a floured surface, roll out the dough to approximately 1cm…