Let’s face it, becoming an adult isn’t everything you thought it would be. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have bubblegum ice cream and chocolate for every meal, I don’t spend my days playing games, riding my bike everywhere or reading every book I could get my hands on. Unfortunately, when you do actually become an adult most of what you thought you’d do and become, may not be what you actually do or become. Society expects you to act like every adult before you, and around you, does. Unless, it’s April Fools Day! Lol. Sure, dad’s can get away with acting like one of the kids most…
What this Mum really wants for Valentine’s Day
DH & I have never really been big on Valentine’s Day & we’ve been together (counts in head) 16 Valentine’s Days. So sitting here on the day before Valentines, I’m not expecting anything different than any other day. Which, to be honest, is almost exactly what I want I say almost, as like most mums I know, the following in no particular order would not go amiss: A sleep in – I’m not a morning person, AT ALL, and if you count the almost 9 months I was pregnant with master 4, I’ve had more early mornings than I like. Peace (& Quiet) – World peace would be great,…
Sleep Regression
There comes a point in a parents life, when you look yourself in the mirror, and ask yourself WHY will my child not sleep?!?!?! If your child is a preschooler & you haven’t done this yet, congratulations. Chances are though, you’ve hit this blog page cos you’ve had sleeplessness nights with said child, and now have asked Dr Google. Sleep Regression happens at various stages of infant and toddler life. It’s when your child decides sleeping is for the plebs, and despite having nothing apparent wrong with them, will not sleep. It’s not because they wake from a wet nappy or hunger or teething or tummy issues. It’s just that…
A Glimmer of Sunshine
I have a 4 year old boy. Yes, I heard that collective sigh. Any mum with a 4+ old boy can probably understand what parenting a 4 year old boy entails. It’s a period (that I’ve heard doesn’t stop), wbere he’s no longer a baby but not quite a “big boy”. A time when testosterone goes a bit crazy! No longer do I have a sweet, anything I say goes, boy. Instead, there’s a little man in his place, trying to give his mother more grey hairs. Our day generally goes well, with a little play & niceties, and then occasionally some days evolve into me getting ticked off. It’s…
Confession Time
Dear Reader, I have a confession to make. Shhhh. In one way, it’s probably not the most appropriate time to make this confession, but in another, it’s probably the only time I can. One thing I must say first, is that no one has come to any harm with this confession. My wee family is as strong as ever, and those close to us understand this is our choice. You see, dear readers, we don’t do Santa. shock, horror, oh my word . Yes, you read right, we don’t do Santa. Yes, we do Christmas, presents, family, traditions, food & fun. But, not Santa. Phew, so glad that’s off my…
Blending is almost always difficult ; be it your “traditional blended family” i.e 2 single parents with children coming together as a family, or blending by race/religion/culture. For my wee family, it’s a matter of the latter. See, I’m South African Indian and hubby is NZ European. Our race, religions and the culture we were brought up with are different. Yet we are very similar. So that our kids grow up with an understanding of both backgrounds, and I guess to show respect to each other’s ways, traditions are important to us. With our kids being so young (4 & 1), our traditions have evolved around them. When my son…