It seems like just yesterday I was at the hospital willing this child to get out! 😛 Those four days went slower than the past 4 years; but I guess, as the saying goes, time flies when you’re having fun 🙂
In the last 4 years, I’ve watched my little baby boy grow into a smart, funny, polite young man. I’m immensely proud of him and the skills he has managed to master already. I mean this little monkey can read already! I’m glad I’ve been fortunate enough to be home with him & I’ve enjoyed his journey so far and know he will go far 🙂
And before I start blubbering, let’s move on 🙂
For Alex’s first birthday we had all family & friends round to our place to celebrate the fact we had survived the first year as parents (just barely mind you :P), and he had survived having us as parents.

For his next 2, we hired out a small venue for just immediate family. Easier to clean up and a lot less junk to sort out before the party 🙂 I mean there’s only so many places you can hide things 😛

So with him turning 4, and having started kindy; and having another wee one, we decided to let him choose whether he wanted a party like he has before or not. Little monkey chose to have cake at his kindy with his classmates! Which left me making 3 (yes three!) different theme cupcakes, as we’d need them for kindy, for my immediate family and for hubby’s immediate family. And being 4 there’s ALOT of things 4 year olds are into.
So for kindy he got minion cupcakes.

For a small “party” at Great-Grandads, he got batman! (which is a PITA to do without a proper fondant cutter).

And for my immediate family “party”, he got Lego theme cake n cupcakes.

It may seem over the top to some, but I love doing these for my kids 🙂 Wish I had the patience to do them perfectly or the organisational skills to start as early as I want to :P, but with kids there’s always something else isn’t there?
And next year he turns 5!! Not sure what the suggestions for next year will be yet. Would love to see any ideas others have had in the theme or cake departments 🙂