Anyone else notice how fast time goes when you’re an adult? When you’re a kid, all you want to do is be older, but time seems to go so slowly. As an adult you blink and you might miss something.
Can you believe one month out of a year has almost gone past? Where did the time go? Oh yeah, feeding, bathing, entertaining 2 kids under 5 lol. Not long till I can’t say that anymore – 2 kids under 5. The way this year is already flying past I’ll have a 5 year old in no time 🙁
Before the whole year passes, I thought it’s probably an idea to “introduce” myself somehow, and figured the latest tag game on Instagram might be the way to do it, but as a blog post.
So, here goes; 20 facts about me.
1. I’m 34… Almost 35 eek!
2. I’m a Pisces so it’s almost cake time!
3. I’m Indian by descent
4. But, I’ve never been to India, as I was born in South Africa
5. But, I’ve lived in New Zealand for longer than I had in SA.
6. B.C (Before children) I was a Web developer/programmer, and although I still love it I’m probably never doing that as a job again 😛
7. I’ve been married for 8 years, but we’ve been a couple for almost 17 years. He’s Kiwi.
8. I have a 4 year old son & a 1 year old daughter, but you already knew that 🙂
9. It took us almost 3 years to conceive master 4 – “Unexplained infertility” – still hate those words.
9. I’m the eldest of 3 kids.
10. I have a younger brother & sister.
11. I hate spiders; funnily enough not all spiders – I’m ok with the little jumpy ones. Any bigger and I’m the one running away 😛
12. I hate ironing.
13. I love cooking & baking, but don’t like cleaning up after, hence the many quick and easy dinner ideas on this blog and on Instagram.
14. I hate selfies and would rather take photos than be in them, but am working on this 🙂 Sorta…
15. I’m not a morning person. Unfortunately, my kids are.
16. I’ve worn glasses since I was 8. Hated them then, and still dislike them now, but at least they’re lighter now being plastic 😛
Ok, this is harder than I thought. Don’t know if I know 20 things about myself lol
17. I’m not a girly girl. I’d rather be talking tech or cars or airplanes etc, than nails or makeup or beauty.
18. I like clothing shopping, but not for me. I have more than a few kgs to lose so get frustrated going clothing shopping for me. Nothing much fits right and I’m not into “current” styles. I’m comfiest (is that a word?) in jeans and a tee, best if it’s black.
19. I don’t wear makeup daily. I’ve worn makeup 3 times in my life – 7th form formal & my wedding days. If I found something easy to put on, in my shade lol, I’d probably give it a try though.
20. I’m an introvert until I get to know someone. Then you can’t shut me up 😛 I’m stubborn and competitive. I like people that speak their mind and don’t beat around the bush, call a spade a spade type of thing.
Yay. Made it!
If you still want to know more about me, and see what we do as a family, stalk me on Facebook or Instagram 😛 Say hi though ok..