12 days of Canapés

12 Off the Shelf Kid Friendly Canapés

If you’ve spent any time reading through my blog, you’d have noticed that I like my food 😛 If you haven’t been reading, go catch up. I’ll wait 😛

I like trying new foods & making up new combinations, as much as I hate cleaning up after being in the kitchen. Especially now that I’ve got two little ones running around. So now when it comes to making food when entertaining, I’m more of a “grab ingredients, throw it together, tada” sorta person. If it uses less than 10 standard ingredients (even better if it’s in my pantry already), I can get away with the least cleanup possible, and I can put it together before my guests arrive, even better 🙂

So this Christmas I thought I’d share some of the easy, kid friendly canapés / fingerfood /party food, that I throw together at a moments notice.

Some of these “recipes” I’ve used for a long time. They’re great for parties with or without kids, for any “bring a plate” dates or even for the lunchboxes 🙂 Both my kids, and the big kid aka hubby, enjoy these canapés so I consider them kid friendly even if I was surprised to hear master 4 say he liked some of the ingredients 😛

Let me know if you try anything, especially if you change up the ingredients, as I love trying new flavours 🙂

Enjoy! 🙂



The 12 days:

Day 1: Easy Pinwheels

Day 2: Mini Hot Dogs

Day 3:  Milk Shots & Cookies

Day 4: English Muffin Chicken Pizza

Day 5: Caprese Sticks

Day 6: Cheese Straws

Day 7: Asparagus Toast

Day 8: Chocolate Mousse Fruit Dip

Day 9: Sriracha, Strawberry & Salmon Ciabatta Bites

Day 10: Apple Crumble

Day 11: Prawn Cucumber Cups

Day 12: Chocolate Dipped Fruit Cones



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